
Africa Update from Brandon West...

We had a great time in Tanzania Africa this year, this was my first trip, and George Hicks' first trip to Africa. Mark Thompson was our team leader, and has been going to Tanzania for 4 years now. Mark also has missions contacts in Burundi and Kenya.
We were there to support our missionaries, Peter and Patience Mitimingi, who run a Ministry called Voice of Hope.

I took many Photos and have tons of video footage from our trip that I will be sharing throughout the next few weeks.

When people think of Africa, they may think of safaris, elephants, lions, giraffes, etc. but after visiting Africa, my views and stereotypes have changed.

This photo was difficult to take but for me tells so much of what Africa is like, what the People are like, what the conditions are like, and the seriousness and urgency of world missions reaching the neglected and hopeless in unreached people groups around the world.

This is a photo of a small child asleep on his mother's back.  It was during a Voice of Hope follow up conference in a poor village of Kiwongwa, a few hours drive from the City of Dar Es Salaam. Most people who live in the villages have little to no health care, poor living conditions and limited resources for study and worship in the churches. This little boy's sleep seems to be uninterrupted by the flys inside his deep open wounds (from who knows what), and as disturbed as I was taking this photo, I am glad I did, it just tells so much of the needs and realities of what is just one case of millions in Tanzania.

Please pray for these people, and be stirred up to start thinking and praying for our brothers and sister all over the world who share in our inheritance.  We need their help as much as they need ours, but all things will be possible with our Father God.

Be blessed.


  1. I love your heart felt words about the needs of the poor and neglected in the villages. I’m thankful that the people of VHM are reaching out to them.

  2. Brandon, thank you for sharing the reality of the world and lives these people live. My heart was moved by your picture and words. I'm looking forward to reading and seeing more about your trip and how I can pray for VHM and the people of Africa.
