
Brandon West/Revolution in World Missions

I am currently reading a book called "Revolution in World Missions," by a man named K.P. Yahannan.

This book is all about K.P's life, and the process in which God called him to start a missions organization to reached the un-evangelized people in Asia. K.P. now runs one of the biggest and most effective missions organizations in the World. His organization is called "Gospel for Asia."

This book is definitely a must read.
K.P was born in India and did not come to the U.S. until he was 23 years old. He shares his observations about the faith of Christians in the U.S. compared to the rest of the world. K.P. also shares many struggles and frustrations he had with the current state of Christianity in the West. Here is and excerpt from Revolution in World Missions,

"God has not given this superabundance of blessings to Western Christians so we can sit back and enjoy the luxuries of this society---or even in spiritual terms, so we can gorge ourselves on books, teaching cassettes and deeper-life conferences. He has left us on this earth to be stewards of these spiritual and material blessings, learning how to share with others and administer our wealth to accomplish the purposes of God.
What is the bottom line? God is calling us as Christians to alter our lifestyles, to give up the nonessentials of our lives so we can better invest our wealth in the kingdom of God."

Order a free copy of Revolution in World Missions here.

1 comment:

  1. This book haunts my thought life. I loved it. Yes in deed....it's a must read.
