
Musicians on a Mission: Tour Update

A note from Silence O Israel while on tour (Members of GCC:  Nate Wong, Morgan Mitchel and Tyrone Bernal, and Kevin Caffee is traveling with them to help...)  For more info on their mission and what they're doing, click here...

Hey Everyone!

We are up in a Starbucks in Navado, CA hangin’ out and relaxing a little bit before we move on. Since we are sitting around, I thought, man, we haven’t talked to anyone really in a couple days.

The last couple of days have been very interesting…

Our first night was at Jerry's Pizza in Bakersfield; that night we were able to be a part of 2 miracles! The first was a healing! Our good friend E-Man, who helped us set up the show, prayed for this kid’s back, and he was healed! The second miracle was a financial miracle. We can’t really compare it to anything other than the story of Jesus paying taxes out of the mouths of fish and when the loaves of bread and fish were multiplied. We made double, almost triple, of what we "should have made.” The next day we headed up to Rocklin, CA and were totally blessed and brought in by an amazing family we met through a friend. The first night we were there, they made us a huge meal. Afterwards, they led us in a bible study that totally blessed us; it was right on!

From there, we went to Lancaster, CA to play a show at 10:00 p.m. We got to the venue at 9:30 only to be told we were too late and that we couldn't play because the venue closed at ten. But, then we were told we could play 2 songs. It was insane! Those few short seconds were incredible and we were able to make contact with a band from Phoenix, AZ and were able to love on them and minister to them a little bit individually. We know we were there for a reason and were blessed by it.

The next night we were able to play in Whittier, CA and that was an experience all on its own, haha! We got there and realized that we were going to play in a tiny dance studio and thought, "well, this will be fun :) ” Almost as soon as the time came around to get the show started up, the heavens opened and poured out more rain than I have seen in a while. We had to carry our gear over a miniature Nile river that cut us off from our trailer dividing the promise of a somewhat dry venue and us playing dry gear. We all got soaked, Eddy our vocalist tried to jump the gap and ate it on out trailer ramp and we had to dry off our gear before we plugged it in, it was fun! Once the show started, we were able to bring the presence of God into a dry and barren place and plant an uncountable amount of seeds.

Throughout this whole time, we have been constantly reminded of how much our Father loves us. His provision has been a little hard to comprehend, but the only thing we know is that the Lord loves us so much and He won’t stop showing us. Praise God!
Keep on prayin’ for us as we continue to move forward into the unknown.
Walk Victorious!
on the road

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